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Acupuncture has its origins dating back around 3000 years. Chinese theory states that their are numerous channels that run through the body connecting all of its parts to each other. Along these channels are specific points known as the acupuncture points. There are 361 of these points and during a treatment very fine sterile needles are inserted into the specific points which are relevant to the particular problem being treated.
An initial consultation will take place looking in depth at how the body is functioning day to day. The tongue will be looked at as this gives a very good indication as to what and where there may be problems in the body, the pulse will be taken but this is a very different reading than when taken within western medicine.
Once the assessment is complete a number of very fine sterile needles will be inserted at specific points many of which will not be located in or around the particular problem area.
Often the area of pain is a symptom and not the root of the problem.